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Immigration office

Nowadays, the concept of work-life balance is evolving, but simply put, the essence of this balance is about achieving a combination of career and personal life. The subject of this project, which was an immigration office, led us to the idea of challenging the principles of a traditional office and integrating it with a café for conversation.

In the design process, we aimed to create more interaction between the audience and the employees, flexibility (which is a key word for future office spaces), and blur the boundaries within the space. In an environment where work and socializing among colleagues and visitors are of particular importance, behavioral and movement fluidity will be greatly emphasized, from small-scale elements such as furniture to large-scale elements such as partitions. Therefore, in the redesign and reconfiguration of the space, we eliminated visual barriers and transformed solid partitions into transparent and dynamic panels, creating a consistent and unified perception of the entire desired space. The consultation area, which may be the most important part of the project, was redesigned in a way that even its furniture is flexible, allowing for variable arrangements based on anticipated needs and accommodating the users’ requirements.